Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pictures from the Dawn of Time

In my mother's kitchen, Greenwell Springs, Louisiana, 1965
(Note the healthy tan ...)

Panama City Beach, 1965
(Note the beautiful girlfriend)

Hollywood, California, 1967
(We were out shooting pictures and saw this guy on stilts, so we stopped the car.
Note the gasoline prices to the right -- those numbers are in cents ...)

Why am I posting these? Got an obnoxious email from somebody -- I won't say who, but you know those little pins women wear to keep their hair in place? that's how he pronounces his name.

The email had a picture of somebody with my name, but it wasn't me. And to prove it, pictures from that era, which was just past the Pleiocene ...


  1. This was SOOOOO unnecessary. A simple "No" would have sufficed. I don't think I was rude at all, you reject from the land that time forgot. (Oh, damn...Sorry, sorry.)

  2. You double-dog dared me to deny it. You must expect swift retaliation ...

  3. It has been said, from time to time, that I perhaps verbally overstep my limits. That I vocalize severe financial penalties that my physical personification has difficulty reciprocating.

    I find this hard to believe, but there it is.

  4. Indeed, varlet, you bespeak promissory notation with inadequate posterior resources for redemption.

    Or, for those of you wondering what we are talking about, his mouth writes checks his ass can't cash ...

  5. Steve, I'm going to transcribe all your blog comments and posts on various martial arts boards, and publish them under the title "Shooting Fish in a Barrel".

  6. Y'know, I've seen most of those posts, even the ones one the old rec.martial arts forum...Most of them end with either Steve or the other party saying "Go fuck yourself."

    As Ironic as this seems, I think I'm the most civil to him, even when I'm insulting him. Or he's insulting me.

    ESPECIALLY rec.martial arts...Gaah, martial arts is the least-discussed topic on that forum. I cruised through about 6 year's worth of posts before I said "Screw this...I could be watching mold spores cover old bread, or something."

    Also, I've been meaning to say...I don't think SHOOTING fish in a barrel is a good idea...Especially if they're those small, really fast fish. No, a GRENADE is better for barrels...

  7. The Uncle Sam on stilts was the day after I got my purple belt in Okinawa-te. We drove all over creation, I'd hop out, stand in front of somewhere, and Dianne would snap a picture. Got others of me in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater, and The Magic Castle.

    Ah, to be young and in Hollywood ...
