Friday, March 20, 2009

Okay, a Little Biz Here

So, as I did with my writing entries, I went through and collected most of the martial arts entries, plus a couple things from elsewhere, and blended them all together into a book:

But What if I Did This!?

Musings on Martial Arts by a
Long-Time Student of things
mano a mano ...


Steve Perry

A hundred and fifty pages, seventy-some odd essays, 42,000 words, what the subtitle says above. If you are a long-time blog reader, you've already seen these. And you could go back through the archives and dig 'em out, but for five bucks, it's not worth the effort, trust me.

Here's the deal: Click on the PayPal button, send them the cost of lunch at McDonald's, and I'll send a PDF to you.

Yes, money is tight, times are perilous, but five dollars won't break you, and I'm certainly not going to get rich off a deal like this anyhow. But I am interested in seeing if this e-book thing is worth pursuing. At some point, my novels might wind up on Kindle or other e-formats, I might sell some that are out-of-print or maybe even unsold, directly onto the web, and I thought this would be an interesting way to dip my toe in the matrix ...


  1. I would but I have to go filking down at the slanshack.

  2. If you know what either of those terms mean, you are doomed. That you use them both in a sentence is certainly worth a ticket straight to sci-fi hell ...

  3. Personally, I'd like to see it in print. Something about feeling the pages in my hand, putting in something to mark my page and returning to it later. Ebooks are nice, but I like paper.

  4. My choice, too, Brad -- but it's an experiment in the realm of electronica. Demand for such a thing would be fairly small, and hard to peddle. Not to mention it would have to cost three or four times as much as a trade paperback. Even print-on-demand would be spendy, and there is some hoop-jumping there, too.

    It's a trade off, and I just wanted to see how it might work.

  5. Mr Perry, did you not hear that little bell ringing a little while ago?

    There is a name for that bell.

    It's is called the SarBell.

    Or Sa-Be, depending on what color of uniform the person saying it straps over his paunch.

    Normal people call it the Sarcasm Bell.

  6. Oh, I heard it -- why else would I have posted what I did?

  7. I would support your efforts.
    Please tell me the email addy to paypal you.

    Thank you!

  8. Look up at the top of the blog, there's a PayPal button. Just click on it and follow the instructions ...

  9. By the by, there are a couple of interesting kerambit vids, you might want to check out, long as I'm here.

    Guro Jeff's is here:

    Bobbe's is on his blog, which you can get to from his link on mine.

    There are plenty of others, just check out YouTube, but these two are noteworthy.

  10. Got online and lo! several of my novels are already Kindle fodder.

    Welcome to the future.
