Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We have a slushy snow falling here in beautiful Beaverton at the moment, been doing that on and off all day. Too warm to stick, they say -- it's thirty-four F. at my house -- and so far the roads are still clear. Supposed to turn to rain later.

Apparently Old Man Winter isn't quite done with us yet. 

In the Land Down Under, they have horrific wild fires and temperatures hitting 115 degrees F. in parts of Victoria. 

Record cold winters, record hot summers. 

Climate change, it seems, is upon us.


  1. And it was 59 here in Michigan on the 10th of Feb! Most all the snow is gone.

  2. Yep. Sun came out today, Forty-seven degrees, andI hadn't been here yesterday, I wouldn't believe anybody who tried to tell me it snowed all to hell and gone for much of the day.

    We have a saying here -- I suspect it isn't the only place it gets bandied about -- If you don't like the current weather, wait a few minutes, it'll change.

  3. Oh yeah, same here. "only" place you can get sunburn and frostbite on the same day too, right?

  4. Do they get thunder-snows in Oregon or Michigan? I'd never realized you could be getting hit with a snowstorm *and* suffer the risk of lightning strikes at the same time until I moved to Indiana.

  5. Menduir: Oregon doesn't get thunder-snow that I ever heard of: usually the kind of turbulence that generates thunder only comes when it's too warm for snow. Thunder and hail frequently in the spring and sometimes fall.

  6. I've heard the weather guys talk about the possibility of thunder snow, but haven't ever actually witnessed it here.

    Even our spring and summer showers tend to be a lot less electrical than in the tropics. We get lightning now and again, but it's unusual. Growing up in Louisiana, there were plenty of summers where it stormed almost every day in July or August and the voltage of the lightning there was much bigger.

  7. Yep, we get Winter Thunderstorms here but it's pretty rare, maybe once a year. Lightning too.

    From what I've seen, Indiana and Illinois can have some real wicked, fast moving weather. Seemed to frequently get caught in it when leaving those states......
