Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Kid Grows Older

So, according to his student Todd, Bobbe the Kid is forty years old yesterday. Put it on your calendar.


You know, he doesn't look a day over sixty.

Happy birthday, Kid. When you get back into shape, you can come kick my ass. Or at least try ...


  1. Here's something that will make your day, Kid -- you know those manly, buff pictures I sometimes put up here to make you feel insecure? Well, it turns out a local writers organization is doing one of those local-writers-show-a-little-skin calendars to raise money.

    Guess who got invited to be Mr. August ...

  2. Because it's one of the hottest months, right?

  3. Makes the rest of the writers look pretty good. And Keith Richards wasn't available

  4. hm, my comment disappeared. Blogger's being weird today.

    Couple years ago, a grange down in Yamhill County put out a nude, yet discreet, calendar featuring some of the guys who belonged to the grange. (The pic I saw, the guy was holding a flowerpot in a strategic location.) Best part is, the grange was named after a nearby river-- the Long Tom...

  5. You're bullshitting me. Oh God, now I need to gouge my eyes out...

  6. Oh, no, it's real enough. I haven't decided if I am gonna do it yet, but certainly the look on your face when you opened the envelope from me would make it worthwhile ...

  7. Medical Update, for those who don't click on the links:

    Bobbe is undergoing conservative medical treatment -- if you can call steroid injections directly into the spine such -- along with PT. Thus far, there has been little or no improvement, but that's how the medical establishment rolls, and he'll have to go through this and see that it doesn't work before they will cut.

    At least he is in the system and going in the right general direction, albeit on a slow boat.

  8. Well, might not be August -- they are still fiddling with the order, but naked-R-us. I believe we are going to do something martial -- me, holding a big knife or something.

    A *really* big knife, uh, strategically-placed ...

  9. Nah, Irene, I'm thinking I need a pair of Chinese butterfly knives. Or a broadsword ...
