Friday, February 06, 2009

Edmonds Update

It seems that Bobbe is going in for back surgery next Friday, a week from today. That will be the 13th, and the reason, he says, that he was able to get it scheduled this soon, was that few people wanted to risk the knife on such an unlucky date.

Some advantages to being a godless heathen, it seems.

For those of you who aren't godless heathens, offer prayers and best wishes on that date for his speedy recovery. Everybody else can raise a glass to toast his good health. Or both ...


  1. Wow, I can't imagine waiting that long.

    They told me I would not be able to get in to see a doctor for two weeks, so I went in to the spine center and sat there in the lobby and I told them that I wasn't leaving until I could see a doctor. I had to iterate that process several times, demanding to see a doctor and refusing to leave when ordered to by a $10/hour employee. I ended up getting in there in five days.

    If what Mr. Edmonds has is anything like what I had, he's in a world of hurt right now.

  2. At least now they know for sure it's going to happen. That's got to take some of the stress off.

  3. "That's got to take some of the stress off."

    That's extremely optimistic. A week seems like a year in that kind of state.

    The pain is like being tortured. It's positively unbelievable.

  4. Thanks mucho for the update Steve! Perfect day for surgery for Bobbe (ASAP is good too). And maybe Holloween. And April fools......

  5. I think Tiel's comment goes to there being a cut-off date, so to speak. If there is an endless road in front of you, it is worse to think about traveling than a thousand miles, which might be long, but at least is finite.

    It's easier to gut out pain if you know it might be ending in a week compared to not knowing if it will ever end.

  6. Yeah, that is probably true. Not knowing of an end date... wow.

    The funny thing is, come to think of it, I didn't officially have any insurance at the time. I think I may have just gotten lucky with the timing or something. Either that or they got sick of me sitting in their lobby writhing, and I really do think that had a lot to do with why they expedited the surgery.

    I sure hope the micro works for him. There are a number of syndromes that I think may be semi-incurable at this point, I think even fusions may not work on them though I'm not sure of that.

  7. Friday the 13th is a good day. Always been a lucky day for me. Became a man on one, a sister and a brother born on one and my dad was born on one. Also won a couple hundred $$$ in the lottery on a Friday the 13th.

    Yep, lucky day. Bobbe will be just fine. Now, to collect enough CHimay to tide him over.

  8. Enough of that Nazi beer to tide him over? Be enough to float a battleship ...
