Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The local science fiction and fantasy convention is Orycon. These have been going on since 1979, and in '78, there was a pre-con gathering, a Symposium, at PSU. There have been thirty of these, I think, not counting the symposium. I've been at all these, save one -- that year, we were living in Port Townsend, WA, and an early snowfall blocked the roads, so I missed it.

The local fans who run the Portland Science Fiction Society ("Porsfis," rhymes with "horse-piss") threw me a party when my first novel came out, in 1981. They gave me a copy of the book, which they had all autographed. That's the one I keep in my ego-rack.

I've been the toastmaster a few times -- once when it was essentially the same, but technically a Westercon -- plus the first couple. John Varley was the Guest of Honor at the initial gathering.

The picture is from the second, in 1980, when Fritz Leiber was the GoH. Me, with a mike in one hand, a Fisher Space Pen in the other, and that chord jacket ...

(I never got to be the local GoH. I was scheduled to be that at the smaller spin-off that ran for a couple years, called Generic Con, but it was canceled that year, no doubt due to my selection as the GoH ...)

Check the image. My, how styles and faces change over a couple-three decades ...


  1. Well I can surely commiserate with you on this, Steve. Last night, an old friend resurfaced in my inbox and sent THIS PHOTO taken in 1978 or 79. I'm on the left in my stylin' McDonald's uniform. I'm still chuckling about it 14 hours later.

  2. What's so funny is that I don't remember looking like that until I see a picture, or some documentary on the Sixties or Disco. I mean, my favorite outfit when we lived in L.A. consisted of a pair of fringed moccasins, red elephant -bell-bottom jeans with black pinstripes, a faded gi top that had once been black, topped with love beads and my scruffy, weekend-hippie beard.

    Far out, man ...

    At least you had an excuse working for Mickey D's. You had to dress that way.

    I had a nehru jacket. A powder-blue leisure suit, all polyester all the time ...


  3. Fringed mocs - check.
    Bell-bottoms - check.
    Gi top - check.
    Scruffy beard - incapable at the time.
    Nehru jacket - just a tad too young.
    Leisure suit - check, color=rust.
    Cordoroy suit - check (updated to blue denim, man)
    Punk rock came along and my wardrobe shifted to ripped jeans and Ramones tees. And let's not forget bandanas on the wrists and ankles.

    And then came the 80's!
    Skinny ties - check.
    Parachute pants - check.
    Muscle tees - check.
    Checked Vans - check (note that these are STILL COOL).
    Flamingo pink sport coat - check (Miami Vice anyone?).

    Oh yeah. I was stylin'.
