Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Times, They are a' Changin'

I saw George Bush's press conference last night, his final one as President. To me, he sounded combative and whiney, and when asked about his mistakes, couldn't come up with any more substantive than he shouldn't have put up that victory banner on the aircraft carrier, because it "sent the wrong message," and that he should have waited on social security reform.

Absolutely didn't think that Iraq was an error, that U.S. prestige around the world was in the toilet, along with the economy, and more than two out of three Americans believed he had done a crappy job.

Not a lot of bright lights in the sea of darkness that was Bush the Younger's administration. 

There's an old Irish saying about being happy to see the back of a man. Works for me. 


  1. After 8 years of the Dukes of Hazzard, I think we're ready for some Fresh Prince of Belair. ;-)

  2. Dunno if you watch The Daily Show, but Jon Stewart had a good compilation and commentary on the press conference:


  3. Local paper ran a piece in the editorial section -- I missed the writer's name -- but it was fun. Part of Lincoln's Dictum -- "You can fool some of the people all of the time" -- has been numerically determined: it's 27%.

    How'd they determine that? That's the number of folks who still believe George W. Bush did a good job as President ...
