Monday, December 15, 2008

Shoo, Fly ...

Okay, if you watch the news, you've seen this:

What I want to know is, where was the Secret Service? The guy who was supposed to step in front of the Prez and take a shoe for him?

Yeah, probably everybody in the room had to pass by a metal detector and get vetted, but still. It was Iraq, where the man is probably even less popular than here at home. Why, when he stood up, wasn't the local journalist eating hot lead?

Bush has pretty good reaction time for an old guy, got to give him that, but if I had to bet, I'd guess somebody on the Secret Service detail will be shuffling papers in Bug's Arse, South Dakota for the rest of his career real soon ...


  1. There seems to be a moment towards the end of the video when the President has a "what if" moment in his expression. What if it had been knives instead of shoes, or bullets.

  2. The same guy from secret service was probably in an alleyway two hours later screaming at the would-be assassin, "Godammit, I said GRENADES, not Kenneth Cole's! We wont get another chance!!"

  3. Do you know how scary the idea of Dick Cheney being President even for a month is?

  4. Almost as scary as letting Shrub actually Wield the Ring even once.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if reporters were now required to check their shoes at the door for Presidential press conferences. And speaking of the dreaded Cheney, back when Dan Quayle was VP I had a buddy in the Secret Service who claimed it was his job to shoot Dan if anything happened to the President. Let's hope this mission is still being covered.

  6. Probably okay to let Quayle live -- I think Murphy Brown destroyed his chances of doing any real damage.

    As for Cheney, well, his heart isn't in good shape, but that doesn't really matter, since he never uses it anyhow.

    Much as I don't like Bush, I don't think some yahoo in a press conference ought to be able to toss shoes at the President of the United States. The SS shoulda plugged the guy -- or at least hit him with a shoe ...
