Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Shaken, Not Stirred ...

Check out this guy's guitar playing. Nice twelve-string work. Mission Impossible, Stairway to Heaven, great Pink Panther.

 (I didn't see any Air Supply, but he does do Dust in the Wind ...)


  1. Hello Mr. Perry,

    I was wondering if your "Man Who Never Missed" books are still in print. I was reading The Man Who Never missed, but didn't get to complete it as my bag was robbed from the gym, with the book in it. I would buy all of the from you personally if you have them, I loved what I read--up until the theft. I always wanted to write SF/Fantasy/SpecFic but I wound up publishing one book of music criticism and one book on the intesection of race and masculinity. My next book is another book of essays about husband and fatherhood. For the life of me, I can't figure out why i can't get a piece of fiction out. I'm going to keep trying.

    Shawn Taylor

  2. Shawn --

    Most of the Matador books are out-of-print, but still available used. Check out powells.com, they usually have a few copies of various titles.

    Fiction writing is a skill, like swimming or basketball. Best way to learn it is by doing, and it takes a bit of practice. But if you can tell an interesting story, you can certainly learn how to write it down.
