Friday, December 26, 2008

Night of the Undead Winter

I feel for those people whose winter starts in October and keeps piling on until May. On the one hand, they are geared up for it; on the other hand, cabin fever must get pretty intense.

After but ten days of -- for us -- extreme cold, plus a week of snow that's still piled up, I am quite ready to see it melt. The Lying Weathermen -- there's a name for a rock band and perhaps today's example of redundant -- had said it is to rain and wash it all away, starting this morning. Hasn't started yet.

Walking the dogs is an adventure, even with YakTraks, since the sidewalks range from only a few footprints and crispy snow, to hard-pack, to ice. Thirty-one degrees out there now, so no water dripping from the eaves.

Ick. Snow, snow go away. Come again five years away ...


  1. In our part of town we now have 2-3 feet snow piled along the edges of sidewalks, then 2-3 inches of slushy water before you get to the street... ick.

  2. Melting! It's melting!

    I can't remember the last time I was so glad to see wet, bare pavement ...

  3. I caught up on your recent posts today, enjoying your snow pictures and narrative.

    In parts of Seattle the snow is gone and in other places ruts and banks of it, now looking sooty, keep it slick.

  4. Your snow's melting and it's not even January yet.

    Where I'm from, Daddy is about to come home. That is, Old Man Winter. He's gone easy on us so far this year with only -10 temperatures and maybe a foot and a half of snow total.

    Not for long.
