Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Yes, He Did.

Big history, folks. A black man, elected President of the United States of America.


  1. damn...than should be you GOT what you wanted....

    sorry for the typo

  2. Yes. Me and a solid majority of the United States wanted it. And he won by a body length and pulling away -- looks like a bigger margin than any D in a long time.

    I don't think he's the be-all, end-all, but if, you believe as I do, that the country has been going in the wrong direction since Bush was elected the first time, this is a welcome change. Obama would have to work really hard to screw things up worse than Bush did, and I don't think he will.

  3. Thanks for staying on the phone with me, Steve. I was shaking when I hung up with you.

    What a night. What an awesome night.

  4. I got a little weepy over his acceptance speech, I must admit. Can't wait to see the look on Pres. Bush's face when he gives the obligatory congratulatory speech. I suspect the look will be somewhat akin to that of passing a pine cone.

  5. DTs, Kid? Didn't have enough of that Nazi bubble water to keep 'em down?

    Me, I was drinking American beer, and easily put away a six-pack while we were chatting.

    I won't say that happy days are here again, but I sure do see an end to the long national nightmare that was George W. Bush. It's a start.

    And I am so pleased that Sarah Palin won't have access to the launch codes. Her state is about to re-elect a senator convicted of seven felonies -- least he was leading last time I looked -- and I think they deserve her. Moose-killing anti-sex ed believer that dinosaurs and people walked the Earth together a few thousand years ago twit that she is. We still have Tina Fey -- Sarah we can do without, thank you.


  6. Steve Six Pack... got a nice ring to it.

    I can't believe that Stevens is leading in AK. Well, scratch that. I can believe it; I'd just hoped it wouldn't happen.

  7. Can't believe Stevens is leading in AK? What's not to believe? They elected Palin as Governor.

  8. I never though this day would come in my lifetime. Even 4 years ago when Obama went to the Senate and people started saying "he should run for President", I said no way is the country ready for that.

    I don't think I've ever been happier to be proved wrong.

  9. I'm glad Obama got elected. It's time the other side of the fence sat in the drivers seat for a while. Maybe they'll see that pontificating on the Democratic Underground is a lot easier than governing.

    Being given a position of responsibility forces people to grow up.

  10. Logical fallacy. Bush was given a position of responsibility -- he didn't grow up. And he didn't govern so much as rule. The most imperial presidency in anybody's memory.

    Obama could work 24/7 trying and not be a patch on Bush's recored of totally fucking up.

    Of course, that's just my opinion.

  11. Even Indiana went for Obama, and for the first time in years my vote actually counted for something. That gives me more hope than I've had for a while, and despite the nature of the Washington beast being what it is, I can't think of anyone other than our new president elect who might have a better chance to start putting things to right in this country.

  12. At the end of the day over three quarters of all counties voted more Blue than they did in 2004. Obama pulled in a bigger fraction of the White vote than any Democratic candidate since at least 1976 in the election with the highest turnout in 90 years.

    That's historic.
