Saturday, November 08, 2008


This picture was too good to pass up.
From The Oregonian's Gallery, photo by Motoya Nakamura.
A literate stormtrooper ...

So, I did my gig at Wordstock today. This is a gathering of book-folks who set up at the local convention center to promote, of all things, reading. Lot of booths, writers, editors, artists, even a comedian or two. The guy who plays the PC in the Mac/PC commericals? He was there. He used to be a literary agent, go figure.

I had a one-hour class on pacing for writers; did a reading; and an autographing. Good help from the volunteers who got me where I needed to go. Had a chance to visit with an old friend I haven't seen in a while, Phil Margolin, while in the VIP room.

I spoke. Nobody threw rotten fruit or veggies at me, and I had a fine ole time. Probably killed my chances of ever working for Lucasfilm again when I allowed during my presentation on the Powell's stage that I thought Jar-Jar Binks was the love child of Stepin Fetchit and a lizard ...

I did my dog and pony show, they laughed when they were supposed to laugh, and I got a nice author goodies bag from Powell's.

Of course, I drew some stares, as I was accompanied to the reading and autographing by a trio of suited stormtroopers, Darth Vader, and Princess Leia, along with an officer from the Death Star. My posse.

You know, when you walk through a crowded lobby with such an entourage, people get out of your way ...


  1. "You know, when you walk through a crowded lobby with such an entourage, people get out of your way"

    It's funny that out of the whole bunch, you were the dangerous one.

  2. I'd like to see you surrounded by a 'posse' of Matadors. Now, that would be cool.

  3. I like Brad's idea --- and I would like to meet the one playing the Albino Exotic Matador! --- Oh ya, at some point it would be nice to say hi to you Steve.

  4. "You know, when you walk through a crowded lobby with such an entourage, people get out of your way ... "

    They also get out of the way when you skip through a crowded lobby singing "I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Okay" while dressed like a teamster in a tutu.

    Umm ... oh, that wasn't me.

    I have an alibi.

  5. I see from the picture the one stormtrooper is making sure you get his signed copy right - the one he is giving to Vader for Christmas. It saddens me that you are doing there bidding -- ah little do I know you are tricking them and Vader will receive a book that will turn him from the dark side to the Man Who Never Missed's side. -- It must be a pain trying to take a leak from those getups.

  6. Hmmph. Wish I'd remembered that you were going to be down there today, I might have stopped by. Of course, considering the list of "honey do's," it may have caused some marital discord, so probably best I... uh... misremembered the occasion. :)

  7. I found it rather amusing to note that the mainstream roots of the conference were on display. (In years past, they invited big mainstream writers to come and read, and paid them nicely to do so. Didn't have the money to do that this time, so they rounded up a lot of locals and made do.)

    I also found it amusing to see, in the program book, that I was listed in the genre section under fantasy and science fiction, where, of course, I am perfectly comfortable. But there was a page dedicated to the best-selling writers, those folks who have made the NY Times Bestseller List. Which, of course, didn't show little old me. I'm the first to say that tie-ins don't count, but in terms of actual numbers? I do believe I had more titles to make the NYT list than any of the other folks listed. Maybe than all of them put together ...

    I was talking to Phil Margolin and a couple of writers about winning awards. Phil hadn't won any, but he's a millionaire from his books several times over.

    I laughed, said, "Let me paraphrase the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers for you -- 'Money will get you through times of no awards better than awards will get you through times of no money ...'"
