Friday, November 28, 2008

How Busy Was My Week?

Lemme see:

My in-laws -- wife's sister and her husband, two children, and her husband's mother arrived Friday last for a week bracketing thanksgiving

Saturday, I spent twelve hours wandering around doing panels, readings, and autographings, not to mention having coffee, lunch, and dinner with several people with whom I really wanted to connect, at Orycon, the local science fiction convention, and I missed several anyhow.

Sunday, we drove to the coast for a couple days -- us in the camper, the in-laws at a nearby hotel.

Just as we were leaving, I went to log on to check my email and my faithful Mac had a stroke and croaked. Hard drive.

Tuesday we came home and I spend much of the day going back and forth to the Apple store to see what was what. What was what was that the old computer needed more work than it was worth, being five years old, and I now have a new iMac to replace it. Same level of gear, but cheaper than last time. (For what I paid for my first computer, back in '84, I could have bought three of these, which have a hundred, maybe a thousand times the power and storage. Maybe a million.)

Tuesday into the night I searched back-ups and managed to get most of my files back. Lost Safari, trashed my address book, though I got part of the latter back. Couple other applications had to be upgraded, but I can 1) write and b) get online to send what I write to my editors. Everything else is second.

Wednesday, my brother-in-law Dave and I took his nine-year-old son to OMSI and spent four hours there. Saw an iMax movie, did a lot of hands-on stuff.

Thursday was Thanksgiving, and we spend all morning getting ready, had seventeen people here for turkey, six of whom were children, one teenager, the rest adults. Ate like pigs, washed dishes like galley slaves.

While chasing my niece trying to get my camera back, I tripped over the unseen dishwasher door and took a nice tumble onto my left knee. The good knee, fortunately. Well. At least it used to be good. It's a tad swollen now, but seems only superficially injured.

Four a.m. this morning, the in-laws went to the airport to fly back to Baton Rouge. We got up to see them off; fortunately, they had a rental car to drop at the airport.

I'm about to go walk the dogs in the cold fog; tomorrow, is #2 grandson's birthday party.

Never a dull moment.


  1. Sounds like you had a busy week. ;)
    Sorry to hear about your computer but its nice your injury with your knee was only minor.

  2. Hey Steve,

    Thanks for signing my copy of your book at Orycon (TMWNM). I gave the book to a friend and he was quite pleased.

    Always good to hear you spout off at the panels as well. You are a good and well informed speaker.

    I noticed no one on Amazon has reviewed the Tularemia Gambit. Perhaps, since you noted in 1983 when you signed my copy that I had "the other copy," I could provide a solid, positive review.

    It's a good page-turner.

    You write it, I'll read it.

    Sincere regards,


  3. Great to see you last week Steve! We made it okay to Arizona. But wouldn't it have been better to break the already broken knee rather than have both of them screwed up?

  4. Glad to hear it, Ximena. I'll never forget those passionate hours we spent together the night before you left ...

    What? Who is reading this over your shoulder? Rob?

    Oh. Well. Um.

    In that case ... never mind ...

    As for the knee, I was looking for symmetry ...
