Saturday, October 04, 2008

O.J. Goin' to the Big House

Nice to see karma work out in this incarnation ...


  1. My gawd! Who will keep up the hunt for the real killers?

  2. You call it karma, I call it "what happens to psychotic murderers." If you're that much of a nutcase you're going to jail eventually.

    If I'd been OJ I would have moved to Bermuda or somewhere like that, and lived a quiet life of luxury. But OHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

  3. What goes round, comes round, but not, alas, always in a timely fashion. Even OJ got what? another twelve, thirteen years walking around before he did something stupid enough to get nailed. Self-destructive behavior sometimes takes a while to do the job.

    He did get away, a lot of folks believe, with murder. (And some think he had help, and that *they* got away with it, too.) So while OJ is finally getting to stay at the graybar hotel, it's because of his own stupidity. Must have thought he was bulletproof.

  4. I'm kinda thinking white powder had something to do with this. The extreme arrogance of the act, especially on OJ's part. The belligerence. The fact that it was over some very small potatoes. The very shady people involved on both sides.

    Sounds like coca.
