Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallowe'en II


As I have mentioned here before, Hallowe'en is my holiday. I was a horror fan as a kid. Had a buddy who was as weird as I was. We got into ghouls and ghosts. Used to run around reciting "The Raven." Once, I knew it all and could do that. We ran a spook house at a local school a couple of times -- "Feel the dead man's guts!" (boiled spaghetti). "Feel the dead man's eyeballs!" (peeled grapes). And before such things were common, I managed to get hold of some glow-in-the-dark paint used for fishing lures, coat some plastic bullets that could be shot from a spring-powered toy gun, to create my own version of tracers that would suddenly blow past somebody's face in the darkness ...

Mooooowhoooooohahahahahahaaaaaaa -- !

In addition, my son was born on Hallowe'en, and my daughter married on Hallowe'en, so there is some significance to the day around my house.

Up top, the pumpkin I'll be carving for the front stoop. I'll add the after picture when I'm done later today.

Gray and rainy out, so probably not a lot of the little spooklets coming to trick-or-treat this eve.

Come midnight, I'll be writing in my journal, which I do once a year. Been a busy year, a lot to take note of this time.

Happy Hallowe'en, you things that go bump in the night ...


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