Thursday, September 11, 2008

Worthy Cause

Now and again, I contribute to worthy causes. This needs no justification, I do it because I want to, and because I can.

Now and then, a worthy cause arises to which I would contribute but my cash-flow is not as good as it could be. Nature of the writing biz -- contracts get signed, it might be months before an advance comes in, and if you are between projects, income tends to be lean.

It is, alas, one of those times. I have money coming, but Lord knows when it will arrive. The wolf isn't at the door, but I can't light my Cuban cigars with hundred dollar bills. Not that I have any such cigars, nor would smoke 'em if I did ...

However, I do have some toys that are worth a bit, and sometimes, when the need arises, I can sell these and use the funds for something worth more to me than the toy is.

Such an occasion has arisen. I'd be happy to discuss this in private emails, but I won't do so here.

To this end, I am offering up a toy. There are a number of caveats connected to it, so if you don't know me personally, you won't be in the running, and there are some legal niceties that must observed, regarding FFL's and shipping and such, and if you have no idea what these terms mean, then you are also not in the pool. I am not going to do anything illegal here, absolutely not -- all t's crossed, all i's dotted.

Here's what it is: A Smith & Wesson Model 66 revolver. This is in .357 Magnum/ .38 Special caliber, stainless steel, with a 2-1/2 " barrel. I have had my pistolsmith do some custom work on it -- action job and springs give it a nine-pound DA trigger pull, just under three-pounds SA. The gun was glass-bead blasted to a mat finish. The rear sight was removed and a rail installed on the top strap, to which is affixed a ProPoint red-dot scope -- the small dot version. The gun wears a Hogue Monogrip. For a snubbie, it is a tack-driver and you can keep them on a man-sized silhouette at fifty meters all day long. With the right ammo, you can hit the same target at a hundred meters more often than not.

If you went out and bought one new, it would be fairly spendy. Even used, you are looking at nine hundred or a thousand bucks to to match the bells and whistles -- basic revolver alone used without any action work is more than five hundred dollars.

It's a shooter, but it is in pretty nice condition, light wear, and you can pretty much see what it is from the pictures.

What I am looking for is a big enough chunk to justify selling it for my worthy cause, and all the money will go there. If I get a serious offer that's close enough to what I think is fair, I'll do it.

If you are interested, drop me a note. If you don't know my email address, you probably aren't in the bidding pool ...


  1. Seconded.

    I love wheelguns. But if I bought it I would have to do some quid pro quo and get the wife a Corgi.

    I guess I'll just have to admire it from afar.

  2. I love my pups, but if you don't have experience with herding dogs, Corgis are a handful. Too smart. Bossy, too. You have to be the lead dog all the time ...

  3. Truly a heartwarming thing you are doing Steve

    I have pack dogs. I have to be welcomed back into the pack at the end of each day with a cacophony of sniffs and snorts.

  4. Ohhh, nice. I like my S&W. I am not in funds or I'd make an offer.

  5. That, please note, is NOT a Hogue monogrip in the pics. Nice piece, I'm a 20 year S&W wheelgun fan; EDC's a 360, glove compartment's a 686.

  6. Scott --

    Uh, yeah it is. They make other than the rubber ones.

    Have a look:


    Here's the full URL, sorry it got clipped.

  8. Steve,
    Right now I have a 2 year old Aussie that I've whipped into shape and a Swiss Mountain Dog mix. Growing up we always had German Shepherds or Shepherd mixes so I'm used to strong willed dogs.

    Proud papa:

    My wife really wants a Corgi but I have a feeling that one of my neighbors will be forced to give up their dog and we'll inherit him. You can have a maximum of three dogs here so I'm keeping that third slot open.
