Monday, September 29, 2008

Upcoming Lit'ry Events

There are a couple of things coming up in November I should point out for those of you within striking range of Portland:

The first is Wordstock, which is a big deal held at the Portland Convention Center. Bunch of writers, h0w-to-write classes, panels, talks, like that, cross-genre. Finally got around to inviting me.

Second is Orycon, the annual SF&Fantasy convention, which has been going on for thirty years. I've been to all of those, save one, when we were living in Port Townsend and got snowed in. But I was at the symposium that pre-dated Orycon proper, so I figure that balances things out.

If you are a budding science fiction or fantasy writer or a fan of either, you might enjoy Orycon -- again, lot of writers, editors, artists, and serious readers/viewers will be there.

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