Friday, September 05, 2008

Taking Out Bambi's Mother

Okay, I know this will just stir the mud up, but I'm sorry, I couldn't resist these two pictures:

1) Governor Palin at home, on her couch, with Smokey the Bear's Dad, and 2) amidst a collection of typical Alaskans ...

From this site, on Palin.


  1. That you love her is fine. That she's great is open to debate ...

  2. Of course. But Steve, how can you not appreciate her? C'mon, she's attractive, she's a tough cookie, she shoots M-16's, she's not a ball-buster like another former female candidate that we all know. What's not to like?

    And I give the Repubs credit for once for selecting someone other than an old, white, rich guy. this is a real break from tradition. And about time.

  3. Hey Dave (sorry for barging in on your blog, Steve), I kinda think Palin is apparently likable, but I strongly suspect that she's not really "great". Her extreme stances on Creationism and abortion (she opposes it even in the case of rape and incest), her attempts at censorship in her town's library, the huge deficit she left in the town she governed and she thinks that the war in Iraq is a mission from God. In my book, the only real mission from God was the one in the Blues Brothers, so all sorts of alarm bells are going on in my head.

    But then again, I am from Europe and all sorts of alarm bells always go on in my head when I hear american politicians speaking, so... :-)

  4. Palin and Dick Cheney, hunting for bears in the Alaskan wilderness, and both equipped with H&H .600 Nitro Expresses...

  5. I tell my left-wing friends to quit getting their "news" from the Democratic underground and other attack-dog BS sites just like I urge my more right-wing friends to turn off FoxNews and ignore Rush and Ann Coulter. When you get your"info" from these sources, they greatly skew your world view with their BS.

  6. And now this on CNN

    I'm not voting for someone who is going to base their policy decisions on religion. Especially when thier religion either doesn't recognize mine or preaches against the ideals that mine upholds. Basically, religion has no place in running a government or country.

    Look at Saudi Arabia.

  7. Dave, I don't really think of myself as a lefite, although from a UD point of view I probably am. I have left wing ideas and I have conservative ideas. Personally I don't think of myself as anything. Also, although I do ocasionally go around on what are considered left-wing forums like Democratic Underground, I read all sorts of newspapers and magazines including right wing ones.

    All of the accusations I made re. Palin can be found on all sorts of major media.

  8. Palin just said that a war with russia may be necessary.

    Formosa neijia, insofar as you think this woman is "great" and would be a "great" president, I have to wonder what your IQ is.
