Monday, September 08, 2008

One More Reason I'm Surely Going to Hell

Go here and click on "Sarah's Song ..."

And if the lyrics aren't clear enough:

Sarah’s Song

Sarah, Sarah Palin, I think your glasses are cute/
Sarah, Sarah Palin, but your politics, well, they ain’t worth a hoot/
You can take out all the beavers and bears in that icebox you call home/
just don’t come down here and and point your gun at us.
(You and Dick Cheney should go hunting ...)

Sarah, Sarah Palin, I think your strategy’s bold/
Sarah, Sarah Palin but John McCain is far too old/
You’re gonna need some tanna leaves, to keep that mummy alive/
And with global warming, you can’t even keep him on ice.
(It’s all melting, you know ...)

Sarah, Sarah Palin, didn’t want the bridge to nowhere/
Sarah, Sarah Palin, but you kept the money, now is that fair?
Tried to fire your brother-in-law and that looks kinda bad/
Hope the fishin’ stays good ‘cause you might need a job.
(Need a lot of tuna in Japan ...)

Sarah, Sarah Palin, you’re gonna be a gramma I hear/
Sarah, Sarah Palin, at least you know your daughter’s not queer/
how you gonna run the country with two babies on your hip?
won’t it be better to stay home and teach ‘em to shoot?
(Bang, Bang ...)

Sarah, Sarah Palin, I think your glasses are cute/
Sarah, Sarah Palin, but your politics, well, they ain’t worth a hoot/
You can take out all the beavers and bears in that icebox you call home/
just don’t come down here and and point your gun at us.
(You and Dick Cheney really should go hunting; you could give him some pointers; I heard he's got a dead eye; his left one, I think. Right wing. Left eye ...)