Friday, September 26, 2008

Content Warning

Those of you who have been dropping round regularly will notice a new gateway -- a content warning filter that blogger offers. Though I suspect this will cut down on the numbers of folks who drop by -- not all that many anyhow -- I did it for a reason. (If all I wanted was total hits, I could put Harry Potter or Britney Spears or Free Porno or somesuch in my headings.)

Normally, the content and pictures here are either PG or PG-13. Now and then, I shade into a R-rating, and rarely, into NC-17, but it has happened. Now, a content warning isn't going to stop a curious fourteen-year-old. Might even do the opposite, but at least nobody can log on here and then run screaming down the hallways how they expected hearts and flowers and got foul language and obscene pictures instead.

You have been warned. If you are here, you don't get to bitch about offended sensibilities. That's part of what I do -- I am a writer and if I'm not offending anybody, I am not doing my job ...


  1. I, um...I have a questio-

    ...Nothing, nebbermind.

  2. That'd be a better picture if the guy's Johnson were larger. As is this doesn't work for me.

    "Everybody's a critic."

  3. Well, thing is, if you want the stiffness, you have to dial down the size a bit. Much larger, and it just won't do the trick ...

  4. Yeah, not enough blood volume in the human body to support it.
