Thursday, July 10, 2008

Not a Perfect Video, But ...

It is an interesting way to spend three minutes to see how somebody who knows how to use a morphing program plays with images in western art. Not much ethnic variation -- no women of color, talking Europeans, but still, fascinating to watch.

Have a look.


  1. Very cool. If you hadn't put it up on your blog, I'd put it up on mine. As is I'll link to it my next post -- I've already forwarded it to a few people.

  2. Very interesting--but it only strengthens my lack of interest in "modern" art to see what portraiture devolves into there.

  3. Not me. This is an art form that couldn't exist until recently. I'm not much on somebody putting a vacuum cleaner under a plastic case and calling it art, but this video meets the requirement for what i consider art. It's fascinating, entertaining, and I enjoyed it. .

    Sure, some of the more modern portraits are passing weird, but, art does evolve. I liked Picasso's portrait of his grandma, one he did at sixteen, more that I liked his blue period, but that doesn't lessen its impact and importance.
