Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Am Large, I Contain Platitudes ...

Just love to mess with knee-jerk pigeon-holers. I'm not really a joiner, but I signed up for both these on the same day ...


  1. Definitely a PNW thing. "The long hair don't cover up the red neck."

  2. I'm not a big joiner, and I won't belong to either of these. The ACLU crosses lines I don't like. Ditto the NRA. But I'm simpatico with the average member of both.

  3. Well, I had to join one, to be able to use a shooting range I want to use; the other was for balance. Truth is, though neither likes to admit it, they are on the same side on some of the big issues.

    Liberty is sometimes complicated.

    And, I confess, I didn't mind that it screws with people's head now and again ...

  4. If I had to join a gun rights organization it would be JPFO, not NRA, but that only works if they gave you a choice. The range we go to doesn't make you join anything besides itself!
