Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nasty Bug

Yesterday, I awoke somewhat headache-y and queasy, and very quickly realized I had picked up some kind of bug. If I had to guess, I'd say was some variant of the Norwalk virus.

Those of you who have had such things, commonly referred to as stomach flu, or 24-hour flu, do not need me to elucidate the signs and symptoms. Pretty much any description of the symptoms is too much information, but the treatment is simple: A) Rest B) If you don't eat or drink anything, it won't come back to haunt you. Since I could manage water okay, yesterday was a fast day. (The good thing about fasting now and against on a regular basis, as I do is that you know you can do it without any problems.)

Late in the afternoon, I dropped my wife an email telling her I wouldn't be eating dinner, but that I could fix her a pot of rice or somesuch, and she allowed as how she was feeling pretty much the same way. She came home, we fell into bed, and went right past supper into nighty-night.

We are better today. So far, Mr. Coffee seems to agree with Mr. Stomach.

It's always something ...


  1. There's something going around here. Last week I had three days of stomach cramps followed by about three hours of what I will only describe as relief. The next day was taken up with bedrest to recover, and I was fine following that. Similar stories have surfaced around the office.

  2. Africa, India and now Scotland. Popping Imodium like Pez. At least I know what to blame my tummy problems on.

    Try walking 95 miles with an upset tummy.

  3. One of the most miserable weeks I ever spent was with the Norwalk virus. A diet of Gatorade and Imodium should help.

  4. Take a walk before breakfast on an empty stomach ...

    Just be careful whose stomach it's on ..

    I am -- knock on wood -- past this malaise.

    Of course, there's the knee which is paining me some for some unknown reason. Hell getting old. Still beats the option, but ...
