Thursday, April 10, 2008

I Realize It's Not That Simple, But Sometimes ...


  1. You forgot the first sentence: "You poor thing, that was awful." And for a lot of people, if they'd ever heard that while the bad stuff was happening, they wouldn't have needed the therapy.

  2. Sure. We all have skeletons in our closest, old recordings laid in at an age where they are set and hard to erase or tape over.

    Everybody had a crappy childhood, on some level, and, yeah, some much worse than others. But at some point, looking over your shoulder stops any forward progress -- you keep smacking into walls because you aren't looking where you are going.

    Scar tissue isn't as functional as normal tissue, but in many ways, it is better than constantly reopening a sore that is never allowed to heal. It becomes what the reiki people call a treasured wound. You don't want to let it go. It becomes your excuse.

    Been there. Had that. Didn't want the T-shirt.

    People who had really terrible upbringings, who were abused or molested, they surely have things that have to be addressed. Most of us don't have that much old crap to deal with, and for us, the past is prologue. Yuppie angst -- oh, my governess was not as pretty as the other children's governesses! -- you can learn to live with that ...
