Friday, April 18, 2008

High Quality Steel

One more, for those of you who missed it. If you are considering getting one of those reasonably priced -- read cheap -- "practice" katanas you see for sale? Have a look ...

P.S. You gotta love Odell ...


  1. Note to self, only stab people with cheap katanas. No slashing.

  2. For less than fifty bucks, the note should be to leave it hanging on the wall, because that is all it is good for ...

  3. That's why I refuse to make a large blade (or any blade for that matter)with 400 series stainless.

  4. But it looks good hanging on the wall!

    I have a couple of blades hanging on the wall because they look good there. Not intended for actual use. The actually useful blades I have stowed about aren't nearly as pretty.

  5. Hey, where can I get one of those tables ---- seems sturdy!! I am surprised that Odell didn't come up with that pitch ---- oh maybe he was distracted by the bleeding guy in the corner. Salesman aka (bleeding guy) to Odell - "keep rolling I found a vacume sealer from the last show it seems to be slowing the blood loss - oh wait it's collapsing my right lung!!!" Did the Saturday Night Live skit - Akroyd playing Julia Childs pop into anyone elses head??
    "Oh no, now I've done it --- cut an artery" ---- that was funny!!! I heard she even got a kick out of it - may she rest in peace.

  6. I got one of those. Replica of the Highlander blade, from the first movie. Fake ivory handle. It is a bit better than the real cheapies -- cost more, and I got a deal on it from a dealer at a science fiction convention because I was a guest and he liked my stuff.

    Okay to wave around, but I wouldn't want to hit anything solid with it. It might survive an edge-on cut against flesh, but as Mushtaq pointed out, that 440-stainless isn't the best steel for something that long.

  7. I just noticed, my son now has one of those exact blades. Same tsuba, wrapping and all.
    One of his schoolmates got it for him at the local flea market for like $10.
    More of a joke gift than anything else.
    Someone breaks in, I'm going for a stick before that thing.
