Wednesday, April 02, 2008


So, what a ream and a half of paper looks like, which is how long the Eilandia ms is when printed out. Took a while with my s-l-o-w printer, too. Draft mode, Mr. Epson spews 'em out at 8 pp/min. To get clean and dark print, only 3 pp/min. Ate up a couple black ink cartridges and took most of the day whirring along ...

Off to our agents in the next day or two, though while the actual drafting process is mostly done, I do have to redo a bit of it, there's a couple misprinted pages that got fed in crookedly; plus an item or three that needs be added in before I pack it up, but it's mostly done.

Not talking George R.R. Martin length, but drop it on your foot, it will give you pause.

And soon, we cast our bread upon the waters and see what happens ...


  1. It does look a bit daunting when it's all stacked up like that. Definitely not too long though.

    Complaining that a book is too long only makes sense if it sucks. If it's a good book, don't you want it to keep going? Anyways, that's what I've always thought.

  2. Just under nine pounds, the sucker.
    Make a nice hammer ...

  3. Drop it on your foot and it will give you paws. Kinda like the Wendigo.
