Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ice Age

Looking out my office window and a mix of rain and slushy snow is now falling. Thirty-eight degrees F., and it is almost April -- the plum tree flowers are in full pink bloom. There's a big branch lying on the ground where the wind blew it out of the tree during the hail yesterday ...

Skywalker was right -- I got a bad feeling about this ...

(Read Tiel's poem, "Local Conditions." on her blog -- it offers some vivid imagery about this.)


  1. You aren't the only one. Lots of fishy stuff has been happening. I started feeling it a decade ago, and it's getting worse and worse. The earth is a very strong self-regulating system, though, and we don't really know what's going to happen with it.

    But it might be a good idea to stock up on canned goods.

  2. Yep. Sun is shining now, but hail coming down. Mostly BB-sized, some of it green-pea diameter ...

  3. Well, at least it's not hailing green peas. Like I said, canned goods.

    Give it another couple of years, at this rate.

    I'm often reminded of the oooooold sci fi short story "The Silly Season." Every year in summer, strange things would happen, like huge fuzzy black spheres would be seen rolling on the prairie, and reporters would dutifully report the news. It would rain cylinders. That sort of thing. And it was always reported and scoffed at.

    Then, when the aliens invaded, nobody listened to the warnings.

    I think we've been in the middle, or perhaps the first stages, of a slow-moving ecological apocalypse for over ten years now. Judging by its exceedingly bleak reports on the subject, the Pentagon agrees with me. The fact that the Pentagon agrees with me, on any subject, is disturbing enough in itself. But the fact that they think that the only human life may be at the poles in 50 years is, well.

  4. Thanks for the plug :) Sleet at my house this morning when I got up to go to work :(
