Friday, January 25, 2008


The term "virtuoso" is applied to a musician considered a master of his or her instrument and the chosen form of musical expression.

Behold Australian Tommy Emmanuel and Hawaiian Jake Shimabukuro playing George Harrison's "While My Guitar Gently Weeps," and know what virtuosity means.

These guys are burning up their uke and guitar and laughing while they do it.

Man. Makes me want to shoot my guitar and put it out of its misery ....


  1. Thanks for that clip. I had not heard of Tommy Emmanuel before, but I have seen Jake play live, Sat within 5-6 feet. He blows my mind. And is the nicest, humblest guy you could meet. I'll have to check out


  2. Multi-tasking for the single track mind :P That should have read "I'll have to check out Tommy".


  3. Tommy is the cat's pajamas. If you get on YouTube, watch his version of Mason William's "Classical Gas." It's not just that he plays the dickens out of it, he does so laughing and talking and making it look so easy you might not be impressed and you should be ...
