Thursday, December 13, 2007

Keep Watching the Skies ...

So, the Predator novel Turnabout is apparently still on track for a February '08 release. Dark Horse is now publishing these books and distributing them through comic book stores and other selected outlets. This means they won't sell as many copies as they did when Bantam published them; on the other hand, Dark Horse (and I) will get more of the profits to share, so we can both make more money with fewer sales.

The new AvP movie comes out on Christmas Day, Alien Versus Predator: Requiem (NOTE: this link contains spoilers) and if it does well at the box office, will likely help sales of the novel. The trailers I've seen indicate that it will be ... violent. If you like exploding heads and are looking to escape from the house on Christmas Day ...

In Turnabout, not so much violence, though there is some gore and guns do go off now and again. That pesky character stuff keeps creeping into my writing. I don't know how to stop it.


  1. Well, I tried alcohol, didn't help. Must need more. Though once my brain got pickled, I think there's point of non-diminishing returns ...

  2. I can't wait for that book to come out! Looking forward to getting it!


  3. Can't hardly wait --- keep your books comming!!!!! Your new one made me think of a book I read by an author that I think works/worked for the National Wildlife Forensics Lab in Asland Oregon. I remember it being a good book with some hunter/hunted themes. I wish I still had it --- I think it might have been by Ken Goddard.
