Monday, November 26, 2007

Looks Can Be Deceiving ...

The picture atop the post just before this one -- the balding little pot-bellied fellow shooting the double-bird at the camera? Pendekar Paul de Thouars. In his heyday, probably one of the deadliest close-combat guys walking around. In his seventies now, he's still not somebody you want to mess with. Look at him, he's a little bald old man. That could get you in real trouble if you thought that's all he was and stepped crooked in his direction ...


  1. It was like Pendekar de Thouars made it look so effortless, like he was like, oh yes, I forgot to put you to the ground, let me fix that....

  2. After doing the stuff for sixty-some years, it's no surprise that he can make it look easy. And it demonstrates the idea that speed and power are less important than position and timing. He can't be far away from eighty by now. Very impressive.
