Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Goblins and Ghoulies and Zombies, Oh My ...

So, All Hallows Even, Hallowe'en, tomorrow being All Hallows (or All Saints) Day, and a time when the spirits stir and the little children are out guising and collecting tooth decay.

They come to the door saying "Trick or treat!" but the smaller ones don't know what that means. If you say "Trick!" I'm guessing they wouldn't have any idea why. Not that I would say that. They might cry. We hit Costco for the good stuff and give it all away, lest we wind up eating it ourselves ...

Big holiday for me, as I have said. And for the last dozen years or so, I've carved a pumpkin for the door stoop, lit it up with either candles or glow sticks, and waited for the patter of little feet, along with those of their parents, who stand behind the half-pints encouragingly. Starts at dark, is generally over by eight. Now and then, a couple of older children show up past that.

At midnight, I'll be writing my annual entry into the Hallowe'en journal and looking for Houdini to drop round and say hello ...

Above, a montage of some of the previous jacks 'o the lantern. Soon as I get today's sliced into shape, I'll put an image of it up.

Happy Hallowe'en.

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