Thursday, October 25, 2007

Darth Star

So, a note from our editor Shelly, at Del Rey: Star Wars: Death Star will hit the New York Times Bestseller List on 11/4 in the #15 hardback slot, with an asterisk (*) -- which means sales of it and the one just above it are essentially the same.

Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. We'll take it.


  1. Very cool! Congratulations, "Mr. New York Times Bestselling Author Perry."

  2. Yeah, old hat. Gonna make the Publisher's Weekly list, too, and maybe a few others. Doubt it'll rise any higher than the low teens, but I can't complain.

    Seems to be getting pretty good reviews so far, save, of course, for the stone-fan boys who will always find some minutia about which to get bent.

    As a fan boy myself, I understand that the details sometimes make or break a tale. As a writer, I can't try and please those folks because nothing ever does and I got other fish to fry ...
