Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thick as a Brick

So, anybody hear from Bobbe lately? I haven't seen any recent postings from him on the blogs I usually check out. I'm kinda worried that maybe the Secret Service didn't think his little joke about the President was funny and maybe he's in a holding cell somewhere ...

Kid? You still with us?


  1. I can almost hear Ian Anderson's flute in the background:-)

  2. I was wondering the same thing myself. Gitmo comes to mind...

    Hopefully he's just bogged down with work...

    ...keeping my fingers crossed .

  3. Oh, he's fine. He's been very social lately, no idea why he's not posting.

  4. I spoke with him Sunday, he was a little contrite about the silliness about the Shrub. I suspect he is just being his usual overworked self.

  5. Ya know, it is a rather sad statement when our silly friend, no doubt after one too many of those French speaking Euro-trash beers he fancies,spouts off some frustrated political rhetoric, and we seriously wonder if the secret police came and grabbed him.

  6. Well, it's always been a problem for the Secret Service to separate the might-really-do-it-nuts from the just-pissed-off-and-ranting.

    Given their job, I'd err on the side of caution myself.
    Bad career move to let your charge get smoked.

    And let's face it, much as I don't like the current occupants of the White House, the offices themselves have to be respected, else things can get really nasty.

    Can't have people shooting our Presidents.

    So if I knew somebody was gonna take a potshot at GWB, I'd stop him if I could. I didn't vote for him, but if I let you shoot him, then I'd have to worry about the guy I vote for -- if he (or she) ever wins ...

  7. "So if I knew somebody was gonna take a potshot at GWB, I'd stop him if I could."

    So would I. The thought of Darth Chaney as our President is a thing of nightmares (shudder)

  8. >"Can't have people shooting our Presidents."<

    What good is ketchup if you don't shake the bot-

    ...Aw screw it. Alright already, you win. Uncle.

  9. I'll still go with my dream scenario...

    Shrubus Minimus caught in flagrante delecto involving Dick Cheney, four Cub Scouts, forty seven gerbils, a dominatrix wearing a Hillary Clinton mask and a warthog with certain anatomical peculiarities. The whole thing appearing in high-resolution photos on the front pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post. A female warthog of course. Nothing unnatural about our President.

    Much, much crueler...

  10. I agree Steve about the offices being respected although that respect at least from me gets more minuscule by the moment. As for the dweebs occupying said offices...well let's just say I have seen toilet paper with more honor.

    Our country is sadly turning into a shit sandwich...but it is up to us too determine how big a bite we will take!

  11. No one needs to worry about Darth Cheney seizing power. Bush isn't going anywhere -- only the good die young.

  12. >"only the good die young."<

    Shit, thanks Dan, now I'm on the clock!!!

    ...Wait, I'm almost 40. Easy to forget with this crowd.

  13. Hey Bobbe getting old isn't bad....enfamil tastes good when ya spike it up and hey if you can no longer get it up you can damn still drop it over, so quit your whining Nancy..LOL

  14. DKM, you might be right except for one thing. The Smirking Chimp isn't having fun. Like everything else in his career he's been handed the job on a platter and made a complete hash of it. If he's true to form it's time to let someone else clean up after him while he returns to carefree irresponsible luxury.

    I could see Cheney wanting to hang onto power if only to make sure the details of his crimes are never uncovered. But considering the spineless nature of the Democratic leadership even that isn't going to be a problem. They'll probably pass a law immunizing everyone in the current Administration the moment Clinton moves back into the White House.

  15. Clinton??? I don't see it .... she is a straw dog at best. Talk about the ultimate cackling clown who flip flops more than flap jack. God forbid that woman becomes the next President...if she does, becoming an ex-patriot will look better and better.

    Heres to buying good, cheap land in the Philippines and retiring early.
