Friday, August 24, 2007

Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By ...

So, Blogger put up a new feature, a video button. Supposedly, you can click on it, upload a vid directly from your computer without having to go through YouTube or Google.

Cool. So, I gave it a shot, a guitar practice session featuring Canon in D. Well, what I can do with one guitar on a piece that requires more than one instrument if it is going to be a canon.

Sound came through okay, but the images ran at triple speed, which made for something of an amusing disconnect ...

1 comment:

  1. Ah, it turns out that these vids are in fact hosted on Google, so that extra step can cause some problems with .MOV f

    iles, which is the default for Mac's QuickTime. One can export these as .AVI's which are more accessible, but at the cost of kicking up the file size by a factor of about five. So the nice little three-meg movie suddenly jumps to fifteen, and loses quality in the bargain ...

    Fuggetaboutit ...
