Monday, August 27, 2007

How, uh, Old Are You ... ?

I found this amusing:

Your real age.


  1. So did I. I was SHOCKED that it said my "real age" is 18!!! I will also (barring any sudden impacts) live to be 95. with my cholesterol!
    Kind of like shaking the 8 ball.

  2. Where does silat come in on the 'risk' scale?

  3. I think silat doesn't qualify as "high risk." Race-car driving, mountain climbing, sky-diving, those are high risk. Silat? Why, that's like ... yoga. We don't evne use real blades in class.

    Not yet, anyway.

    Apparently, sixty *is* the new forty ...

  4. I was gonna plug Bobbe in and see how he fared, but I was afraid his sell-date would already be expired ...

    Real age, sixty. But his live-to-age only fifty-eight ...

  5. My real age is about 3 years younger than my actual. Luckily, it's not too late to do something about it.

  6. They sent me a bunch of fliers from funeral homes. Something about already being past my sell-by date.

  7. My biological and real age added up to 37. Which I am. I have Hypoglycemia, and that brought my life expectancy down to 75 years. Also, I never wear a seatbelt (it's against my religion) and that kicked me down some more. We won't go into the beer. Right now I'm expected to live to be 70.

    How the holy hell does Carstensen rate a 95? Jay, I'm apparently gonna croak soon, so if you still want me out for a seminar, better hurry.

  8. Well, Bobbe, all that stuff about telling you to come back and see me when you get to be my age now?

    Apparently, I'll still be here after all.

    Real age, 40; croaking at 97 ...

  9. My real age is 12. Apparently I'm not even a teenager yet.

    I really don't want to go through puberty again...

  10. You mean you went through it once already? Coulda fooled us.

  11. Bio 44, real 33.

    I lost a year of my estimated life for driving too much. Also, I'm doing intermittent fasting, which dinged me on the breakfast every day, 3 meals a day stuff, when I suspect it shouldn't have.

  12. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the eat-don't-eat three meals question is aimed at folks who aren't involved in stuff like IF, since all the research I've seen says that skipping a meal now and then is better for you than not.

    The first research I recall on restricted-calorie diets using rats was way back in the sixties or seventies -- and the ones who fasted every third day lived half again as long as the ones who didn't.

    Even so, I seldom eat breakfast and I do drink coffee instead, so that dinged me.

    Otherwise, I'd live forever ...

  13. I'm 6, and I really don't know how I feel about that. Seeing the estimated 32,600 (or something)days I may have to live was kinda creepy (even though I have that one seriously nasty habit). It felt like I should have a desk top calendar showing "32,599 days until your demise".

  14. I got dinged on the no-breakfast, too. But I've found pretty consistently that if I eat breakfast I tend to end up eating more on the average.

    Was shocked to see how much not getting enough sleep cuts into your life expectancy. When you consider how sleep-deprived most Americans are-- we're gonna pay big-time...

  15. Lot of factors this test doesn't address, or addresses incompletely.
    One of the reasons I found it amusing.

    I don't drive very much, since I work at home. When I do take to the road, my car is agile, but small.

    Then again, the camper I have is renowned in the RV industry for being over-built -- in thirty years, nobody has ever a fatal traffic accident in one.

    The jury is still out on a lot of this stuff ...

  16. There's an obese pipe smoking alcoholic I know and dislike -- I ran it for him, making pretty good guesses about his various medical conditions. His real age is 97 and he was supposed to have died at 32.

    More fun than doing my own, let me tell you.
