Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cover Art

So, I was digging around for the article I wrote on the SCA -- couldn't find it, I expect it is in the garage, I'll go check later. But I did come across the acme of my career as an artist -- such that it was: The cover of the University of Montana's 'zine, being edited at the time by buddy and sometime collaborator, George Guthridge.

Behold, the Michaelangelo of Port Townsend in all his artistic glory ...


  1. something totally off the subject...

    what is it with silat people and shred guitar?

  2. Got me, but I know my silat teacher can play like you wouldn't believe.

    He buys piece of various guitars on eBay, builds instruments from the assembled parts -- mostly Strats -- and thinks of guys like Stevie Ray Vaughan and Clapton as "okay" players ...

    Good thing I took up writing ...
