Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Blind Whitebread Perry

So, I took the pups out for their walk, and we went down a street we normally don't travel. Maybe a quarter, half a mile from here, just ambling along, picking a few blackberries for the dogs to munch on, like that. Cool out, cloudy,

And I happened to spot what looked like a bike path I'd never noticed before, not marked on the street, so we trundled on down it, to see where it went.

And there is a huge nature park there. At least as big as our whole neighborhood, forest, stream, winding paths, that goes on way the hell and gone.

We wandered around for almost an hour. I couldn't believe it.

Twenty-five years we've lived in this house, and less than half a mile away, this place, and I never had a clue. Amazing.


  1. Hmmm. I realized I needed to qualify "huge" vis a vis the park. Not talking Yellowstone or even Griffith Park here, only fifteen, sixteen acres -- though there are some private woods attached that make it seem bigger, I do believe. And plenty of greenery and winding paths and all.

  2. Amazing that it's there or amazing that you found it? ;-)
    Thought I'd beat Bobbe to the punch though I'm sure he'd do better.

  3. Absolutely beautiful...

    one of the things I love about where my wife and I live is that we have 7 wooded acres behind our house...it's very peaceful and beautiful. one of my favorite things to do is go on our back deck with a cup of coffee and a book and read. :-)

  4. It wasn't there until you went there-- kind of like the Room of Requirements at Hogwarts. Must have something to do with Quantum.

  5. Well, in all fairness to myself, most of my walking locally over the years has been done after dark. When we had the big dogs, who went into rabid-protect-the-sheep-
    from-the-wolf mode at the sight of a toy poodle, I made it a point of doing the long walk late enough so as not to run into people with dogs. Less trauma for me and the neighbors.

    The city didn't put streetlights in until after I started night-dogs, and I kept to the sidewalks to keep from tripping on something.

    Even if I had gone down that street, the path into the park is only a couple years old, and I wouldn't have ventured it at midnight leased to a pair of German Shepherd Dogs who, together, outweighed me by forty pounds.
    If I had even been able to see it.

    These dogs could tow a water skier on damp ground, and having them smell some critter in the dark and decide to go see it at speed ... ? No way.

    With the Corgis, daylight strolls are the norm, and I've expanded my range to give them more exercise. A tired dog is a happy dog.

    This area has several pocket parks, and I routinely walk three of them, so one more bigger one is nice, but not something I had been searching for anyhow ...

  6. A blind squirrel will always find an acorn....and it seems you found a golden one!

  7. I know a place like this, but it's not near my house. I have to walk a couple of miles to get there, but it's well worth the walk, I go every week when I can. Glad to see you found one too. You need something to hit the mental "reset" button, or you go crazy these days.

    >"I kept to the sidewalks to keep from tripping on something"<

    Restraint Kid, exercise restraint...
