Wednesday, August 29, 2007

And, of Course, There's This ...

Stairway to Gilligan ...


  1. Never new there was a video to go with this. First time I heard it was on Dr. Demento, sometime around 1979. Whenever I mentioned it, people thought I was tripping, because no one else had ever heard it.

    I started believing them, because I never heard it again. Until last year.

    Yay! I'm not crazy after all!

  2. Well, you could still be crazy ...

    My son found the audio version on the net a few years back -- he collects odd music -- and I happened across the YouTube version by accident. Too good not to share ...

  3. My favorite? "Amazing Grace" sung to the theme from "Gilligan's Island."

    Amazing Grace
    How sweet the sound
    that saved a wretch like me
    I once was lost
    But now am found
    Was blind but now I see..

    Try it.

  4. Works great, Dan.

    Might be a whole raft of songs out there that can be sung to the theme ...

  5. Thanks Dan, tried it and now it's stuck in me 'ead.

    Great, just great.... time to lay it on the guys at work tomorrow :)
