Saturday, July 07, 2007

Wine Stuff

Just got off the phone with Michael Taylor Moore -- no relation to the moviemaker.
First time I heard of this Moore was at a science fiction convention in the TriCities in Washington -- my wife and I wanted to do a winery tour, and somebody said, "You gotta go see the Wine Nazi." (For those of you who never watched Seinfeld, the reference might not resonate, but it was not an insult to call him this.)

So we dropped round and were mightily impressed. Best wines I ever tasted, white or red. I wrote about him for one of the Net Force novels -- here is what I said: Net Force exerpt.

Anyway, Mike has just bought some property near Santa Barbara, CA, and he's building another winery there.

He's calling his wines from WA Heritage now, but you can still link to the Blackwood site.

If you like European-style wines, Moore's stuff will knock your socks off. It's not cheap, but you get what you pay for.

Once he gets the new place up and running, it will be the place to go in SoCal for wine. He'll have them lined up along Hwy 101 for miles to get in ...


  1. Up Late - watched the Dirty Dozen, funny I own it and could put it in anytime I want - oh my god - have I been brainwashed - I'm a slave to commercials? Now the Super Commet show is on Discovery - they havn't said it and probably won't -but I figure there would be a few barbeques and the dinner guests would change every night - yuk!!!
    Anyway - to wine stuff - If you havn't seen it yet check out Fess Parker Winery. My brother is a big pinot guy and wore a coonskin cap when a kid in the late 50's. Fess has a coonskin cap bottle topper for his wines - classic!!!!! Don't know if the wine is good but I got my brother a pinot with cap and other odds and ends. I'll have to save up but I will try and get him the "Yakima" Pinot from Blackwood Canyon or at least tell him about the winery. Thanks. Ed.

  2. Yeah, I remember Davy Crockett, with Fess Parker, from the old Disney TV show in the early fifties.

    Daavy, Daavy Crockett/King of the wild frontier!

    I knew about the winery -- my son went to UCSB -- plus he owns hotels and such in SB County. I dunno how good his wines are -- I vaguely remember trying one, but it was twenty-odd years ago, and I don't recall what it was, only that it was one of his.
