Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Summertime ...

Look at one of those color-coded temperature maps of the USA, and it's all orange and red for today and tomorrow.

Local forecasters are predicting 102 degrees F. in balmy Portland and vicinities. (That's about 39 degrees C. for those of you who are Fahrenheit-ly challenged.)

And we aren't gonna be anywhere near the warmest, locally or nationally. Supposed to be five or six degrees hotter than that just over the hill in central and eastern Oregon.

Just after eleven a.m. as I write this, and in the mid-eighties, going up fast enough to look like the minute hand on a clock. Risen two degrees since I started typing.

I took the dogs out early, the sun was already sharpening its claws ...

I realize this is nothing for you folks who live on the Equator, and not even a patch on the summer days back in Louisiana -- where you could get three-digit temperature and matching humidity at the same time.

At least it will be dry here -- humidity staring out about thirty-five percent and dropping to half that when the heat peaks. But still warm enough in a place where most folks still don't have air conditioners. I have a window unit out in the garage, but I usually don't bother to truck it into my office until we get several days of ninety-plus and it looks as if it isn't going to cool off for a week or two.

I gotta go water the garden and fill up the kiddie pool for the dogs now.

Summer has entered the building ...


  1. I am going to put a layer of leaf mold and ice cubes in the basement and estivate. Wake me up when the temperature drops below 88F.

  2. Yeah, and I remember what we all said last January when we were working out in Guru's garage with icicles hanging off our ears.

    Couldn't wait for summer then, could we?

    Hot is better. Take off some clothes, pour some water over your head, get all cooled off.

    Cold, it gets tough to move with enough clothes on to keep warm. We're like Ralph's little brother Randy from A Christmas Story ...

  3. Meanwhile it's like 65 degrees in my office and I'm freezing.


    Give me heat any day, and hold the AC.

  4. Lying weather people! It never got any hotter than a mere hundred at my house -- though it did hit 102 F. in Portland.

    We can expect it to still be pushing eighty at midnight, so they say.

    That's possible, since it's 7:30 p.m. and still 95 out there ...

    At least I got a little pool set up for the dogs ...
