Thursday, July 12, 2007

Separated at Birth? part 2

Say ... am I the only one who thinks maybe the Predators might just be a nose-job and some dreadlocks away from Gilbert Shelton's Wonder Wart-Hog ... ?

Shelton and R. Crumb were, hands down, the two funniest and readable underground comic books guys working in the sixties, (along with Paul Mavrides, of course, the other creator of The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, and Fat Freddie's Cat.)

(To view an entire adventure of the Hog of Steel, politically incorrect, rated "X," for sex, violence, and sick humor, have a look at "Wonder Wart-Hog Breaks Up the Muthalode Smut Ring and Also Balls Lois Lamebrain."

Don't say I didn't warn you ...


  1. Wonder Warthog was one of my favorite comics (which probably explains a lot)I liked the strips in the car comics even more than the zap stuff. I keep hoping that he will make a comeback one day.

  2. Them were the good old days -- Mr. Natural, Keep on Truckin', the Catholic Schoolgirl, and, of course, Everybody knows that dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope ...
