Thursday, July 26, 2007

Clean Dogs R Us

So, I bathed the dogs today, and realized that they are, in fact, black and white -- not black and gray ...


  1. Maybe all those supposedly brindled Corgis are just unbathed? Little dust mops.

  2. Oh, yeah, mops for sure. Layla can walk across a freshly-mowed golf green and get a wet belly ...

  3. Nice work. Wanna wash my dog too while you're at it? He's fond of digging and then lying in the freshly churned mud. Supposedly blond, but right now he's sort of grey-ish...

  4. Not a prayer, Irene. I have enough trouble chasing these two down long enough to drag them into a tub. Two, three times a years, that's all they are likely to get -- as long as I can stop them from rolling in cow dung and dead squirrels ...
