Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of July Round Up

Independence Day in the USA, and happy birthday, America -- Scooter and the king's men notwithstanding.

Also Jude's birthday -- he's two. We gave him a big soup bone, and he is, even as we speak, out back gnawing on it.

Layla had to have one, too, one must be fair about such things. Of course she brought hers into the house and is currently chewing it up all over the rug in the hall. One of the reasons we had to get a rug-shampoo machine ...

Two years ago today, Chris Bunch passed away. The book my son and I finished for him, Star Risk, LTD: The Gangster Conspiracy, was officially published yesterday.

And next week, this blog will be a year old. Lot of material going I can mine for books someday.


  1. I plan to pick up the latest Star Risk, Ltd. novel this weekend. I loved the series and when I heard about Chris Bunch's passing I was thrown for a loop. I'm glad the series was left in such capable hands.

    Will there be any more novels or is this the final ride for Fredrich and the crew?

  2. The book was a kind of going-away gift, for Chris and his long-time companion, Karen.

    Were I to kick off in the middle of a novel -- that's the writer's prayer, Lord, don't let me die before I get the draft done -- i'd like to think one of my friends would step up and finish the book.

    I don't think there are plans for more Star Risk volumes, so I wrote it as if it would be the last in the series.

    I haven't heard aything from the publisher indicating they want me to keep going
