Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Star Trek-ery

Some of you might be aware of the Star Trek online series, New Voyages, which is essentially a bunch of fans who wanted to continue the original series ... so they did.

The powers-that-be at Paramount decided this was okay, and now you can log onto the website and stream episodes featuring Kirk and Spock and McCoy and all the rest on Gilligan's -- oops, I mean, the starship Enterprise, with fan actors.

The episodes start a little rough, but they get better, and the latest one, "World Enough and Time," starring George Takei (Sulu) is set for a theatrical premiere at the end of August.

My collaborator, Michael Reaves, and Marc Scott Zicree, wrote and directed this episode, based on an idea that Reaves had pitched to Phase II -- a series than didn't get made because they went for a movie instead -- back in the day, and the script was terrific. From what I hear, the episode is also going to look terrific.

Information about when you can see it can be found on the New Voyages website.

(As to my connection, if you watch the episode, which comes out on August 23rd, and if you listen carefully during the opening sequence, you'll hear a com exchange with a shuttle pilot requesting permission to dock his craft. That would be me doing the voice-over.

I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Demille ....)


  1. Thanks for the correctiom on my link. And back atcha -- it wasn't NextGen, it was Phase II, the series that never was, that I pitched the original to.

    And thanks for the plug ...

  2. Got it, fixed it, thanks.

    And for those wanting more, copy and paste this link:


  3. I just saw "World Enough and Time', introduced by George Takei and Marc Zicree at WorldCon: I highly recommend it. It would not look out of place amongst the best of the original series; production values, FX, writing, acting, are all very good. I did wonder about the Steve Perry in the title roll.
