Monday, June 25, 2007

More Seminar Stuff

Well, I survived without breaking anything. I hope you won't think me any less manly if I admit to being a tad on the decrepit side -- I'm gonna need a hot tub of balur tomorrow. I've discovered muscles I didn't remember I had, and they are all sore ...

The short version of the report is that the group was mostly Sera students, and we had a fine time rolling around in the wet sand -- 'cause it rained from time to time. We played with knives, and with sticks, substituting for machetes, did way too much ground work, two days of intense training. I got a lot of pictures, and even a couple of short vids, with the knife and some warm-up stuff for ground work.

I hope Guru decides to keep having the gathering at his house. Dogs, cats, horses, ducks, chickens, kids, and Special Forces Army guys all wandering around, a great venue.

Guru and his lovely wife Kim cooked and supplied a terrific dinner and lunch, the centerpieces of which were barbecued satay skewers with Stevan's secret-recipe peanut sauce.

And, oh, yes, beer. Even some that Euro-trash stuff, Dutch, in this case. Naturally, I avoided it like the vile stuff that it is ...

I'll post some pictures later, once I sort out the incriminating ones ...

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