Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Meanwhile, back in the Jungle ...

So my hand healed up enough to try the rope again.

Went fine, and pleased I was that it did.

To -- I hope -- forestall a recurrence of the malady tenosynovitis or tendonitis, whichever, I am going to try it on an every-other-day schedule, alternating with a couple sets of fifteen chin-ups on the off-days. This will allow me to keep the upper body muscles worked, without putting so much stress on the hands.

Hell getting old, but one must make accomodations.

As for the picture here, you can probably figure out who those guys are. Two points if you can name them all without having to check on the web. I got three out of four ...


  1. Picture was probably taken in 1966 or 1967, in Mexico, as part of a publicity stunt for Ron Ely's TV Tarzan, which was being filmed there.

    L. to R.:

    Jock Mahoney, who, according to his bio would have been about fifty, though I have to wonder if he wasn't a little older. He did two Tarzan movies in his early forties.

    Johnny Weismuller, about 63. The Tarzan my generation remembers best.

    Ron Ely, 29, who went on to do Doc Savage in the movies and then disappeared.

    Big Jim Pierce, 67. He did a silent version of Tarzan, and then went on to play him on the radio.

  2. From left:

    1: Old Guy
    2: Don Ameche
    3: Dude Who Makes Them All Look Bad
    4: Fat Guy With No Business In A Loincloth

    Ack-Chully, the great-grandson of Johnny Weismuller lives here in the Pacific Northwet, in Bellingham. He used to train with Chris Petrilli, and is my senior in Petrilli Eskrima. His name's Tom, and he's a lawyer.
