Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Daniel Keys Moran

I came across Dan's blog via Steve Barnes's blog -- you can click the links over on the right side of my page to get to either -- and saw that he was considering the possibilty of doing new books.

Lord, I hope so. Moran is one the best space-opera writers ever. I thought The Last Dancer, the third book in the Emerald Eyes, The Long Run, um, trilogy, was as good as they get.

Probably hard to find these day, and buying them used doesn't put any money in his pocket, but if you can find copies, you should read them.

And hope that he gets back into the field ...

1 comment:

  1. I hope he starts writing again, but after being disappointed so many times by his heralded return to the rocket ship I'm not holding out much hope.
