Thursday, May 10, 2007

Want to See an Old Man's Gun?

Behold the rope-effect, after but a week of working the new apparatus in the back yard.

Each day, I get a little higher. Coming down isn't any easier, though, because it has to be done with some form, and by then I'm tired.

Still and all, if my plane ever crashes in the jungle, I'm gonna be ready. Assuming it doesn't happen in the next few weeks ...


  1. You think? Shoot, if I was that good, I'da made the arm smaller, since that would be more believable for a man my age ...

  2. You never cease to amaze. Serious respect.

    It never helps when you post pictures, though, because it's like a Necker cube: as soon as the picture goes away I see you as the lead singer from Journey again. Hey, the guy had a cool mullet.

  3. "Each day, I get a little higher"

    damn, he's smoking that Mexican rope again...

  4. Actually, the Hawaiian rope is better than the Mexican, though it has been many years and many miles since I got to climb on that ...

    I'm into clean living these days.

    And never, ever had a mullet.
