Sunday, May 27, 2007

Troll Hunting

I have to confess, I sometimes enjoy troll-hunting waaay too much. I speak here not of the things that live under bridges and bother Billy Goats Gruff, but of the internet variety, those hapless dweebs who slink into a newsgroup or chat area and try to stir up trouble.

Over on Martial Arts Planet, there is a silat thread,: Bukti Negara on YouTube. If you like watching a troll squirm, you might find it amusing, especially the last few exchanges between somebody who calls himself "pukulan student," and Yours Truly.

Like shooting fish in a barrel. Not very sporting, but now and then, you just have to do it ...


  1. And playing whack-a-troll is even more fun when four - three guys with hammers and one troll - are playing.

    There's a reason that most people think Silat players are all suffering from some exotic Indonesian brain rot. These guys are a big part of it.

  2. subtlety is not some peoples' strong point... no big deal, more for us.

  3. Argh!!!

    I just read the whole thread and I want to wash my mind out with soap.

    Paul is really looking under rocks for students these days, such a pity, at one time his school was a great place to train.

    I wonder if it is now some sort of a requirement to be completely inarticulate to train there now.


  4. The more things change, the more they stay the same ...
