Sunday, April 29, 2007

Those Tree Branches are Dangerous

Those of you who attend these musings might recall Wednesday last's posting, in which Our Hero was thwacked upon the spectacles by a maddened branch and had the right lens knocked from his glasses' frame and transported instanter to the Hidden Realms.

Yesterday, after our visit to the instrument festival and upon our return to the domicile, the on-going yard work was re-commenced and whilst Our Hero was -- more carefully! -- chopping away at the doomed flora, the vanished lens caught an errant gleam of sunlight and was found!


Deep in the bushes and six feet from the point of impact, the lens came to view, and once again, Our Hero has triumphed over the forces of adversity.

Unbroken, unscratched, the lens -- one cannot speak too highly of polycarbonate -- and it was but the work of a moment to replace the recovered item in the empty frame wherein it had formerly resided, and to resume life as a sighted person once again.

Victory is sweet.


  1. Our Hero seems to have some sort of...Mental dysfunction, I guess is the polite term. Too much nitrous, one would suspect. Of course, they say the brain is always the first to go.

  2. Aw, you're just mad because I used your picture on the Tae Kwan Leep posting ...

  3. ...Without any royalties coming my way, I notice.

  4. Hey, you signed the release. That's how it goes ...
